Saturday, September 6, 2008

red lobster sucks!

i worked at Red Lobster for TWO AND A HALF YEARS!!! i dealt with crappy customers, crappy tips, and a general crappy environment for TWO AND A HALF YEARS!! and how do i get rewarded?! by having the asshole manager basically FIRE ME after i put in my notice!! I was offered a job closer to my house, and was informed of said job offer on thursday, with the job starting the next tuesday!! i immediately informed the manager that SAME DAY as soon as i got into work!! i apologized for not being able to give a full two weeks notice, but that's all the notice i had!! the manager said he would get my shifts for the following week covered seeing as he had a transfer coming in anyway. i worked my thursday and friday shifts without incident, but ONE HOUR before my shift today (saturday) my cowardly, asshole manager called to ASK if i wouldnt mind not coming in for my remaining two shifts. I said i would like to work my two shifts as i needed the extra money before i started my new job. He then got really nasty with me, telling me not to come in because he would rather give my shifts to someone who was "sticking around." WHAT AN ASSHOLE!!!! i tried to do the right thing, by not just giving a days notice, or not just NOT showing up one day, and this is how i get rewarded!!! please people, dont go work for red lobster, they treat their employees like shit, and then kick them to the curb.